Directing and Talent Tips - Information for all production industries |
Directing & Talent Tips Useful Production Articles By Jim Powell Jim Powell, a national voice-over and on-camera narrator, has written many articles and newsletters concerning working with and developing talent including narrators and actors. He has lectured at InfoCOMM and the International Television Associations International Conference. He has also lectured to many television related local association chapters. His publication "The Business of Talent" helps the director work with talent to gain the most efficient and highest quality performance from that talent. The following is a list of articles from "The Business of Talent" available for you. Simply touch your mouse to the title and enjoy. Guide your talent to a successful performance to achieve your goals. Items and tools of the trade that help directors, gaffers, talent and others perform their work better.The Infamous yet Wonderful Wireless Ear Prompter Explore a solution to on-camera prompting problems in the field or in the studio. Information to help the professional producer obtain his or her goals through talent. Having a "mental block?" Do what the professionals do.Lavalier Microphone Techniques Inexpensive Techniques to Reduce Lavaliere Microphone Problems Underlines, circles and other marks. What do they mean? Great for practice or fun.HDTV & DTV A talents nightmare? Walk the Talk Portray your character through a real life person
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