of Kentucky |
For more than two hundred years, the
Arnold Family has thrived in Northern Kentucky. Two brothers, Thomas and John
Arnold, came to Owen County which is situated along the Kentucky River and only a few
miles from the Ohio to tame the wilderness, raise a family and enjoy beautiful
Kentucky. You will find a few pictures concerning their farm and log cabin which
still stands today on the picture page listed above.. A new video program detailing the arrival of Thomas and John in late the1790s and the subsequent settling of the family in Owen and Henry Counties is now available. This 30 minute professionally produced program by veteran video producer Jim Powell who also is a descendant of Thomas Arnold gives you a tour through the original log cabin. In one of the photos included here, Jim stands in the cabin. The frame of the cabin behind him is made from 18 inch to 2 foot White Poplar beams. An interview with the late Jerry Arnold tells the story of the Arnolds. He also goes with us on the tour of the cabin. If you would like to know more about the Arnolds or the video, please contact Jim at (205) 854-2999 or email him at JimPowel@ix.netcom.com. The video is $38 which includes shipping and handling. Of course, there is no fee for touring this website or for the information on the Arnolds. Thank you. |
The video program "The Arnolds of Owen County" won two national awards: |
The Videographers Award and the TELLY Award |
Jim Powell is the son of Minnie Arnold Powell, who was the
daughter of James Lego Arnold, son of Thomas Bradford Arnold, son of Samuel Arnold, son of
Thomas Arnold who built the cabin
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